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Travel Credit Fares

TFI Leap Card fares are 30% cheaper than cash single fares on Bus Éireann services in Galway city. Just Top-Up your card with Travel Credit and pay-as-you-go.

Bus Éireann Galway City
(Fares valid from 11th April 2022)
TFI Leap Fare
Adult/ 0-11 stages €1.35
Adult 12+ stages €1.55
Young Adult/Student 0-11 stages €0.65
Young Adult/Student 12+ stages €0.85
Child 0-11 stages €0.65
Child 12+ stages €0.65
City Direct Galway City
(Fares valid from 10th Oct 2024)
TFI Leap Fare
Adult €1.35
Young Adult/Student €0.65
Child €0.65